Murder by Nature (Organic Tropical Mystery Series) Read online

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  “Hey, hey ladies, what is going on?” I said.

  “Yeah, this tramp is sleeping with my husband,” Mrs. Dalefort said.

  “She has no proof,” Valerie said.

  “Valerie, why don’t you just go,” I said.

  “Why should I go, she is the one making threats.”

  “Yeah fine, Valerie please. Can we just keep the peace?”

  “Yeah, okay, but don’t ever threatened me again, you pig,” Valerie said. Mrs. Dalefort went to charge her, and Angela and I just stopped her.

  “It is not worth it, Mrs. Dalefort, just let her go.”

  “If you refused those advances by men and wasn’t in need of so much attention, maybe our town could get some peace, you slut.”

  “You better watch your accusations lady, or they are going to land you somewhere you don’t want to be.” Angela and I just walked Mrs. Dalefort backed to her car and made sure she left.

  Chapter Eight

  When you drive from US 11 towards downtown and get past the trees, you will see the landscaped entrances to my organic farm. I have a work entrance that pretty much everyone drives right by. You can see the farm’s main entrance which is a little further. Before you get to the main entrance, you will see repurposed wood fences on either side of the road with a row of trees behind the fences. The trees are to protect the crops from the exhaust of the cars driving into town.

  You wouldn’t know there’s a farm until you drive into the driveway. Thanks to the irrigation system powered mostly by rain, I keep the entrance planted with flowers and trees that make the view from the road quaint and sweet. I also am a big advocate of indigenous plants to Florida. Anything that is made to grow in this zone thrives very well.

  I drove into the driveway of my little farm from the main road after the wild yoga experience. I immediately began my inspection of the fields. I could not help but be on constant alert for anything that could go wrong. Most of the plantings were looking good, thanks to our constant watch and care.

  I have a small tropical style ranch house that sits on the back of the property. The fields on both sides of the road leading to the house, about to be harvested, were green and plush. The vegetable, fruits, and plants were fresh and plump.

  One of the many reasons I started an organic farm was because I saw a difference between the color and look of the organic food versus the conventional ones. I tasted the difference between the two. I often would get a chemical taste from conventional fruits and veggies at the very first bite. I never had that chemical tastes with organic fruits and veggies.

  John and I have worked hard to get the timing right on the rotation of the fields, so we always had enough organic fruits and veggies for the market. Only a lunatic would try making an organic farm work in the keys. I was just such a lunatic.

  My grandfather sold me the land for a very reasonable amount of money I could afford to pay on time. Then when he died, he willed the land to me. I worked the farm in his memory.

  John and I knew it would be a challenge with the salt in the air and other soil challenges, but we were determined to make it work. We got a lot of help from the agriculture department at Florida Sun University. It was going to be a miracle to make this work, but it did so far, just barely now.

  I’m not sure what went wrong. Sadly, John could not handle it and eventually starting using cocaine to keep up with the pace. I had no idea he was using drugs. He started using heroin and overdosed but survived.I gave him an ultimatum. Me and the farm or the drugs.

  He chose the drugs and Suzy one of our farmer employees. I never heard from them afterwards. He wanted nothing to do with the farm. He signed everything over to me for a price and that was it. I couldn’t understand it. I just threw myself into my farm since then. I loved my farm and won’t ever quit.

  Chapter Nine

  I divided the property into a mix of raised organic garden and flower boxes, greenhouses, and fields of both vegetables, plants, and trees. I am constantly looking for pests or the plants getting too much water or not enough. For me I mixed my knowledge, others knowledge, and intuition to make sure everything comes out good to sell to the public.

  As you driveway through the porperty you can see the three greenhouses on the property for crops that need more care like the lettuce and kale. I also have flower and tree fields to keep an array of choices for my customers.

  My own ranch house, that sits at the back of that the back of the property, is a constant D-I-Y project. I love to work on it when I can and make it a cozy tropical paradise. Large sea grape bushes and mangroves are behind the house. This tropical foliage help filter some of the salt from the farm. They lead into marsh and then very shallow water and then an inlet.

  I have a long wooden walkway over the marsh and mangroves that leads to an inlet so I can go kayaking. The waterway is not big enough to fit a boat. This is fine by me. Power boats are fun, but sometimes you just want to unplug. A kayak is the best way to see manatees in the water. They allow you to get up close and personal.

  I got in the front door and was greeted by my lovelies. An Australian Shepard named Dill and my teacup poodle, Latte. My two kitties, Buttercup and Snap Pea streamed through my legs as well.

  I picked Snap up and then Butter and kissed them on the nose. The jealous dogs jumped around looking for attention which I never refused to give. I loved my animals more than the farm.

  There was always something to do in the house, in the fields, beds, or greenhouses. I had to take advantage of every moment I had to keep everything running smoothly. Not something I always wanted to do, but when I made the commitment to the farm, I had to follow through. Thank god I had help or I would never get it all done.

  I finished a few things. Turned on the surround sound to an incredibly low level to my favorite light classical music. I took a quick shower, and then fell into the fluffy down pillows and pillow topper on my bed for some much-needed rest.

  I woke up from the nap and noticed the animals had taken over the bed as well. It had been a battle with John and I whether to let our animal beauties sleep with us. He said, “No.” I said, “how about sometimes?”

  They eventually just jumped up. The whole gang cats and dogs slept in the big bed every night now. Not having to compromise is one of the pluses of being single. I needed all my animals with me for my security. I could not fall asleep without them near me.

  The animals and I went downstairs to start getting ready for going on the boat tomorrow. I took out all the ingredients I needed from the fridge. I tossed up an organic mixed green salad with some of my organic tomatoes, and mushrooms. I sprinkled a little feta cheese on the top. Job was done.

  I grabbed the latest cozy mystery I was reading and put it into one of my organic cotton canvas bags along with napkins, a box of key lime cookies from Valerie’s bakery, and other little necessities like my tablet. I was getting ready for going on the boat in the morning.

  I stopped and remembered how many times John and I had gotten ready to go on the boat. Mathew bought the boat after John left when I needed some money to keep the farm going.

  I could still feel John’s hands slide over my waist from behind. We had many good times together. It still made me sad to think about what could have been with him. I loved John so much. I just did not know what went wrong. I shook the memory of him from my mind and told myself to keep going.

  Chapter Ten

  “Felicity, we have a problem.” David fell in step with me as I got out of the jeep. I was a little groggy from the morning. I had to rain check Mathew going out on the boat, the day before. The October Monday morning had a hint of cool in it, but not enough to call the air crisp.

  “Walk with me,” I said. We walked to the office so I could brew some much-needed coffee. I had the list of deliveries for the day. One for downtown and the other for the restaurants.

  “What’s going on?” I said.

  “The truck’s refrigeration has gone out.”

Oh wonderful, another thing to go wrong, yay!” I said.

  “It is not cold in the back. I just went to do the morning check.” David said. I scooped some fresh ground coffee grounds into the filter of the coffee machine. It was a light roast to help keep my stomach calm. I got out the coconut milk vanilla creamer from the little fridge. Nothing better than a delicious coffee to start the day when already there was more than one headache on a Monday morning.

  “I can’t believe this. I just had the truck checked for the season. Did you look at the hoses?”

  “No but I can take a look and see if I can fix it.”

  “That would be great.” I gestured to the coffee to see if David wanted any. He did. “Let me just look for a second at it.” We waited a second until the coffee was done and got ourselves a cup. We walked out to the truck.

  I put my coffee down on the truck shelf and jumped in. I looked around for leaks.

  “It looks nice and clean. Do we have a screwdriver close by?”

  “I can go get one,” he said. He ran to one of the toolboxes. I ran my fingers along the main vent in the back of the truck to see if it was loose. It did not feel like anything was loose or wrong, so I couldn’t think of what the problem might be.

  David moved to Marina Key about five years ago and has had several jobs bar back and security type jobs. He came with a heroin addiction that is plaguing many people in the Florida and in the country.

  He was dating Sophia our crewmember and she asked me and my fiancé for help. He and my fiancé became friends through their addiction. Where John could not get his act together David stepped-up and became sober.

  David is a genuinely nice guy, but just had a lot of problems losing his parents at a young age. Sophie and I helped get him to the local rehab and now he is doing amazing.

  He started working for John and I and he proved himself time and time again. I made him farm manager after about a year. He knows things about farming that I did not. He seemed to have a natural intuition about it. I have some, but he has other kinds of intuition. We put our knowledge together to make it all work.

  David jumped into the truck and hands me the screwdriver.

  “Hopefully, this will work,” he said. I take all the screws out and look at the parts in front of me.

  “Well, it looks like this thing is broken. Just what I need when I am so on the line with finances.”

  “If you get me the part. I am quite sure I can fix the truck.”

  “Yeah, I can do that. I’ll order it online. Maybe the guy can deliver it before this afternoon. That would be a lifesaver. I could really use the help. The mechanics cost a fortune for the labor. Thank you, David. Let me just see if I can order this on the phone. Are you ready for Marina fest?” I said while I was getting my phone out and scrolling for the truck part place.

  “Ah, oh you mean my playing?” Yes, I am extremely nervous, “he said. “I have three songs lined up. I am so nervous.”

  “I can understand,” I said, “I love to sing, but I am not sure I could get up in front of people and sing anything in tune. It is not like the safety of the shower. You know. I know you will be great. We always love when you play at our farm dinners. That last time you played. We were all so blown away. You sound so peaceful and good. You’re good. I hope you can play at the next dinner if you want. I would love it. I know everyone would really enjoy it.”

  “Thanks boss,” David said. ”I appreciate that. Thank you, a lot for all your help.”

  “I am glad to help. I really appreciate all your help as well. We have a great crew here.”

  “Yeah, we do. Thanks, I am grateful. I feel good so far. Still day by day.”

  “I know. You are doing great. Sorry for changing the subject but do you think you could put together Valerie’s order? She put it into the computer yesterday. She was thinking it was Sunday when she was at the market. I think there is something weird going on with her. I’ll drive it over to her this morning. If you can get the orders ready while the part is coming that would be great.

  “Yeah, no problem. That Valerie is something else.”

  “Yeah, she was acting a bit weird the other day.” David shifted and seemed a bit nervous for a second.

  “Yeah, I wonder what that was all about?”

  “Yeah, well here are the orders. I’ll bring the jeep round. If you load, I’ll get Mitch to drive the orders around and you can stay and fix the truck if that works for you?”

  “Yeah, that sounds good.”

  “The restaurants won’t be able to wait. Please turn the A/C on high. The short distance should not harm the food, double back if you must though. I guess if you can put Valerie’s order in my car as well as Angela’s and Jacque’s. I ‘ll take those and that might lighten the load up a little

  “Okay, I will get started.”

  “There’s a set of keys for the jeep in the office. I’m going to go through and check the fields and greenhouse. We need to start to get the fields ready for the next set of crops.” David nodded and ran to the office. I walked back in the house.

  I got on the computer and ordered the part. They were going to deliver it this afternoon at the earliest. That was good. Sometimes things had to come from Miami or even further and would be a couple of days wait, thus the term “island time” referring to the sometimes-slow pace of things here in the keys.

  I walked outside and started the rounds. We had four fields and divided them into any number of sections depending on what seeds we had. We planted the rows north to south on the suggestion of more experienced organic gardeners. We also had three greenhouses on the farm. Shaded by the coconut trees, palm trees, and other taller trees. The trees and shrubs we sold to the contractors, landscapes, and commercial buildings.

  I jumped on the golf cart to start with the green houses to check on the lettuce. I found Heidi and Mitch and filled them in on the crisis. I handed them a copy of the orders so they could get with David and organize as best they could. I collected Angela’s order of lemons.

  We were pretty much a well-oiled machine. All of us had worked together for about two years now. We all sort of know what to do. We essentially rotate the same kinds of fruits and vegetables to keep the soils sustained and enough product rolling out on a regular basis.

  Chapter Eleven

  I loaded up my small SUV and cranked the A/C, tuned on the quirky Key Rest radio station that played easy classics and headed downtown. I turned right out of the farm’s driveway and headed into town. Some small little apartment buildings are set just after our farm, then the yoga studio is nestled in palm trees.

  Valerie’s bakery is right next door to Angela’s gift shop. Valerie wanted to buy the building Angela was in to make the bakery bigger. This would have closed Angela’s shop which she had built up over the last seven years. Angela did not want to move. She has a nice view of the marina and she wanted to keep it that way.

  In the end, Angela’s lawyer found some loophole saying that there was no food business allowed in that building due to some proximity of other food establishments in the town. This was ironic since Angela sold freshly squeezed lemonade from my organic lemons, but that is another story.

  Angela and Valerie came to an agreement saying that Angela would not file the lawsuit if Valerie kept her bakery only in her building and no future expanding.

  I dropped off the organic lemons for Angela in the back of her place. I drove around the front to park. Angela’s gift shop is a great spot right on main street and has lovely flowers in the flower boxes in the front.

  You can smell the sweet smell of cinnamon rolls, fresh bread, and guava cupcakes swirling in the tropical air drawing you in from the street from Valerie’s bakery. Tropical gifts and sweets what more do you need.

  I had to bring Valerie’s delivery in from the front as her back door was jammed and she had not fixed it yet. The bakery inside is painted with delightful colors of pink and white. It has mixed matched modern vintage chairs and tables she got
from Darby’s repurposed shop on main street. Darby is a master at taking old stuff and turning it into new beautiful useful items.

  I saw the usual line Valerie has while her and her assistants were helping customers. Valerie smiled when she saw me. I had her order in my hands for delivery.

  “Felicity great, back here please.” She said motioning me to come behind the counter. I walked back and just placed the two boxes on the back counter. One of her assistants were rolling out dough on the back-middle table. I nodded to her. She did not look super happy. I walked back out front.

  “I’ve got two more boxes for you. I will be right back.” I said to Valerie. She just ignored me and kept helping a customer. I walked out to my car and got the other two boxes. I ran them to the back of the bakery and walked outside.

  I saw Mrs. Dalefort standing to the side of the bakery near Angela’s gift shop with a big hat on and some sunglasses. She looked a little like she was hiding.

  “Mrs. Dalefort, is that you,” I said, “here for a treat?” She didn’t say anything at first.

  “Shh, you did not see me but yes. I am having a party and we need some desserts to serve. What are you doing?” she whispered.

  “I am just hear to make a delivery,” I whispered.

  “That is sweet. Honey, would you be a doll and bring me a box of your organic veg this week,” she said. “We are having a get together for a few CEO’s. I want the girls to make some appetizers with vegetables. I don’t know exactly how many I need or what vegetables. Will you call me and tell me what you have so I can see if the caterer can use them in the recipes,” Mrs. Dalefort continued, “I am sure I’ll need about five pounds of like three different kinds like maybe cucumbers. Do you think you can do that?” she said. Here we go again I thought.

  “Mrs. Dalefort, I am glad to send an order over,” I said, “all you have to do is go online to see what we have. I’ve got Mitch, my web master, updating the website every day. It is easy. Just go to”